
At Olga Harris Counseling we seek to provide a safe place where you can get help for marriage and family issues, problems with abuse of all types, as well as grief and loss.

We also provide psychological evaluations for those seeking to regulate their immigration status through these methods VAWA, Asylum, U-Visa, Waivers and others that require the help of a counselor.

Call for an appointment (956) 752-8072 – Español

Marriage Counseling

Every marriage has times where couples need time to assess their relationship in order to remain fully committed and healthy. Counseling with a professional counselor who is biblically based and committed to Christian marriage is a great way to make sure that your marriage will retain the spark it needs to sustain your relationship.

Call for an appointment (956) 752-8072 – Español

Psychological Evaluations

Psychological Evaluations are required for immigrants seeking to regulate their immigration status. We provide bilingual psychological evaluations for immigration cases, such as VAWA, Asylum, U-Visa, Waivers.

Call for an appointment (956) 752-8072 – Español

Family Issues

Family issues and conflicts crop up in all families from time to time. We have years of experience in dealing with common family themes such as relationships, parenting, financial concerns, grief and loss, abuse and esteem issues.

Call for an appointment (956) 752-8072 – Español


Los efectos del Corona viros en la salud mental

Efectos del viro COVID-19 en la salud mental Después del brote de la enfermedad por coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19), muchas personas comenzaron a experimentar ansiedad, depresión e incluso pensamientos suicidas. La ansiedad y la depresión son condiciones mentales que pueden ser abrumadoras y causar emociones fuertes tanto en adultos como en niños. Como consejera profesional he …